Friday, October 4, 2013

Leo is 14 Months!

This post will be short, sweet, and ON TIME!  Leo is fourteen months old today!  Here's our sweet boy giving his lion a kiss:
Big boy!
Leo is doing great!  He is over 21 pounds now and is so much fun.  He has taken up to four steps by himself but still prefers to crawl everywhere.  He can now go down the stairs on his tummy, although he fell down them recently.  He is fine (I am still recovering).  He is currently getting two on his bottom left side, and one on the top right side.  Strange thing is he only has two other bottom teeth (in the middle).  He continues to babble more each day and loves to do whatever his big brother is doing.  His favorite things to play with are cars and balls and he just recently started bringing me books to read to him.  He loves to give hugs and kisses and is a very cuddly boy.  Since we got home from Iowa, we have been attempting to wean him.  We have made great strides weaning him at night and though nothing consistent has happened yet, we have had a few nights where he slept all the way through (knock on wood).  His reflux is definitely better than before, but he still has some bad days and nights.  He went to an allergist for testing and thankfully no food allergies were obvious.  Leo continues to be a very social baby, he loves to smile, wave, and say, "Bye bye" everywhere we go.  He continues to bring us all joy every day. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We took the boys to get Leo's One Year Pictures taken and got some cute shots.  

 Silly boy!
 For Aunt Steph!
 Couldn't leave out big brother:
 Handsome boys!

The Hoscheks 
And my favorite:

Sunday, September 29, 2013

MORE Catching up to Do

Even though it has been a month since we got back in town, we have stayed pretty busy and I am behind, as usual, on this blog.  So, here goes my super speedy attempt to catch up.
Teddy and Violet as we celebrate yet another birthday.... this time it is cousin Caroline.. and she turned into a TEENAGER!  No wonder Aunt Miriam wants some Leo snuggles:
 Last year on Caroline's birthday, when we all started to sing "Happy Birthday to You," she immediately left the table and hid in the bathroom.  This year, in an attempt to avoid embarrassing or upsetting her, we sang to her, silently, in our heads.  Hats off to Shae- it was a great idea! 
Teddy and Violet (I think this was actually at Maggie's birthday)
 Doing a little shopping at Harry's Famer's Market:
Waiting for our Saturday adjustment with Dr. Richard:
 Teddy and Leo typically flip flop their naps.  Leo sleeps from around 11:00-1:00 and Teddy goes down for his nap at 1:00.  Sometimes Leo will nap again around 4, when Teddy wakes up.  Although I would love a break most days, this way I at least get to have one on one time with each of them most days.  On the rare occasion, they both sleep at the same time:
 Teddy helping me set up the "Apples to Apples" activity:
 Leo hangs with his buddies:
 Swing time!
 As I was preparing dinner one night, Teddy came into the kitchen, get a tupperware container, and disappeared.  A few minutes later her brought a dead cockroach up to me saying, "Mommy I want to put him outside but he doesn't want to crawl."  I was half horrified/half relieved he "caught" it for me. 
 He is not all rough and tumble and catching bugs though.  A few days later he asked me to put a pony tail in his hair "So I can be a unicorn." 
 One of my friends passed this old school walker on to us.  It's great for Leo when we are playing outside.  Look how fast he goes!
 The boys, shooting some hoops:
 Got to keep these boys well rounded though.  Here they are "helping" in the kitchen:
silly helpers
 My friend had a tea party for her four year old's birthday and I got to make these sweet cake pops:
 We worked for a few months with Teddy on a reward system this summer.  We were all excited when he earned his big treat- a trip to Toys-R-Us where he got to pick out a treat.  We paired it up with a Mommy-Son date.  First stop at Toys-R-Us- a ride with Garfield:
 My date at The Cheesecake Factory.  YUM!
 Did I mention they have a gluten free Godiva cheesecake??!! 
We had a blast!
 Teddy and the Busytown treat he picked out:
 Playing with the toys before music class:
 My friend Tara organized a scavenger hunt in our neighborhood and we all had a blast.  First thing we spotted:   A Hawkeye!
 We also found chalk:
 and bubbles:
 and a very cool sensory box  (not to mention a sleeping baby)
 Teddy has also been busy learning his geography (maybe he can tutor me):
 Teddy's friends are all starting to turn four!  He got to go to a Build-A-Bear party and had a great time. It was so adorable (and I even got some alone time at the mall!!)  
 picking out their bears:
 washing their bears:
 All the kids and their new animals.  (Check out the stud hanging with all of the ladies)
 After lunch, all the kids got to ride the carousel.  It was a great party!
 Teddy chose a pumkin costume for his bear, and named him Stuffy Stuff.
 We didn't get home until after 3:00 so I told Teddy he didn't have to take a nap; he could choose to have quiet time in his room instead.  He chose quiet time, and at 4:00 when I went to tell him quiet time was over, this is what I found:
 Finally we got a much needed haircut: